Friday, 15 February 2013

Object Oriented System Development Life Cycle

The essence of the Software Process i.e. Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Refinement is the transformation of users' needs through the application domain into a software solution that is executed in the implementation domain. The concept of the Use Case or a set of scenarios can be valuable tool for understanding the User's need. The emphasis on the analysis and design aspects of the software life cycle is intended to promote building high quality software that is Meeting the specifications and being adaptable for change.

High Quality Software provides users with an application that meets their needs and expectations. Four quality measures have been described:
Ø  Correspondence
          Correspondence measures How well the delivered system corresponds to  
          the needs of the problem.
Ø Correctness
          Correctness determines whether or not the system correctly computes
the results based on the rules created during the system analysis and design, measuring the consistency of product requirements with respect to the design specification.
Ø Verification
Verification is the task of determining correctness i.e. “Am I Building the Product Right.?
Ø Validation
Validation is the task of predicting correctness i.e. “Am I Building the Right Product.?
Object Oriented Design requires more rigor up front to do things right. You need to spend more time gathering requirements, developing a requirements model and an analysis model, and then turning them into the design model. Now, you can develop code quickly – you have a recipe for doing it. Object Oriented System Development Consists of three Macro processes:
Ø Object Oriented Analysis requires building a use - case model and interaction diagrams to identify User’s needs and the system’s classes and their responsibility, then validating and testing the models, documenting each step along the way.
Ø Object Oriented Design centers on establishing design classes and their protocol; building class diagrams, user interfaces and prototypes; testing satisfaction and usability based on usage and usecases.
The use – case concept can be employed through most of the activities of software development. Furthermore, by following Jacobson’s lifecycle model, one can produce designs that are traceable across requirements, analysis, design, implementation and testing.
Component Based Development – CBD is an industrialized approach to software development. Software components are functional units, or building blocks offering a collection of reusable services. A CBD developers can assemble Components to Construct a complete software components themselves may be constructed from other components and so on down to the level of prebuilt components or old fashioned code written in a language such as C, assembler or COBOL. The Object Oriented Concept addresses analysis, design and programming; whereas component – based development is concerned with the implementation and system integration aspects of software development.

The rapid application development – RAD approach to system development rapidly develops software to quickly and incrementally implement the design by using tools such as CASE.
Reusability is a major benefit of Object Oriented System Development. It is also the most difficult promise to deliver. To develop reusable objects, you must spend time up front to design reusability in the objects.

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